We invited artists, labels and publicists to tell us which records or artists they’ve personally enjoyed over the last twelve months. Gilles Demolder‘s picks below. Oathbreaker’s latest full-length album Eros|Anteros is out now via Deathwish.

Uniform – Perfect World
“So much raw power in this record. The harsh sound of uniform will make your ears bleed. Also, one of the best live shows I’ve seen all year.”

Drudkh – A Furrow Cut Short
“One of the first bands that really got me into black metal. A solid record from Drudkh, again.”

Loma Prieta – Self-Portrait
“Loma Prieta went all out on this one. Different from their previous records, very melodic. The entire vibe of this album works. The artwork is amazing, the sound is very raw and beautiful, and they’re one of the nicest people I’ve met along the way.”

Nils Frahm – Solo
“Pure bliss. I listen to this record a lot when I’m alone. Makes me smile in a very awkward way.”

Julien Baker – Sprained Ankle
“Hadn’t heard from Julien Baker until this record, but she has the most beautiful, pure voice I’ve heard in a while. A very real and honest record.”

Jarboe & Helen Money
“I’ve always been intrigued by Jarboe and everything she does. The combination with Helen Money makes for a perfect record. Loneliness pur sang.”

Liturgy – The Ark Work
“I guess these dudes get a lot of crap for what they do, but I really love this record. Wasn’t a big fan of the previous work, but this record got to me. I don’t know the guys, and I don’t really care about the whole philosophy, but they took metal to weird levels.”

Turnover – Peripheral Vision
“First time I heard this band with this record, so no idea how their previous work sounds, but this is a solid indie-pop record. Reminds me of jimmy eat world, for some reason. Very catchy, very cheesy, but so good.”

Cloakroom – Further Out
“I love the whole stoner/shoegaze thing. Their music has an eerie pop angle at certain times. Sounds very honest too. Hope they make it to Europe soon.”

Wavves X Cloud Nothings – No Life For Me
“I was never the biggest fan of both bands before this record, but the combination of these 2 bands makes perfect sense. As far as I heard this is a collaborative record, and I like this idea a lot. Solid record.”