Adulkt Life, a new band comprised of Huggy Bear’s Chris Rowley, Male Bonding’s John Arthur Webb and Kevin Hendrick, and drummer Sonny Barrett, have announced the release of their debut album, Book Of Curses, out November 6th on What’s Your Rupture?
Following their recently released debut single “Country Pride”, today, they have shared two new singles, “Stevie K” and “Taking Hits.” Rowley expands on “Taking Hits” and “Stevie K”:
“‘Taking Hits’…I wanted to forge a battle hymn that would corral our beat down and
punch drunk living situations into something transcendent ,stronger of
knees and able to stare out the haters.
It’s a synaesthesia yarn synthesising smelling salts, rubbing
oils, cheerleading disgust, sugar and vitriol, like if the grifters got
up early and went track training in the rain/confused east coast
hard-core with all the floodlights on/jaws clamped like Dan Fante.
‘Stevie K’ was recorded in starvation conditions/prison yard style
under the working title ‘Nation of Ulysses ruined my life’ as in ‘where
do you take that logic to a limit?’ It’s a mod/art ballad for a catcher
in the rye/no friends shake up steve k mythically emerging from
field recordings ,in love with the ruts staring at the rude boys a
scream for hope/deliverance.”
Listen to “Stevie K” and “Taking Hits” below:
For Rowley, Adulkt Life “felt like it could carry the weight of all the things I would want to culturally load into a band without having to compromise any of it.” In 2020, Rowley is a 55-year-old father and longtime employee of a children’s charity. “You have to create a question and interrogate yourself,” he says, and so he poses inexhaustible ones: What is it to parent in a crumbling world? What does it mean to stay political as Earth burns, to keep loving music? How best to communicate the excitement and charge of possibility from “a whole different set of paradigms?” Adulkt Life inquires but offers no easy answers, instead instigating punk’s eternal invitation to see: “Wow, I should do something—make something, start a political party, just do something rather than not do something.”
Book of Curses artwork & tracklist:
1. County Pride
2. JNR Showtime
3. Whistle Country
4. Taking Hits
5. Flipper
6. Stevie K
7. Room Context
8. Move
9. Clean (But Itchy)
10. New Curfew