DIRECTOR: Alan Taylor STARRING: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jason Clarke, Emilia Clarke, Jai Courtney, J.K. Simmons, Dayo Okeniyi, Matt Smith, Courtney B. Vance, Byung-hun Lee, Michael Gladis, Sandrine Holt, Wayne Bastrup, Gregory Alan Williams, Otto Sanchez, Matty Ferraro, Griff Furst, Ian Etheridge USA 2015
In short, this movie shouldn’t exist. The first two Terminator movies were A+ pictures. The third was disappointing and pointless, but entertaining. Salvation buried the series in mediocrity and now the oddly spelt “Genisys” buries the series once again, but this time in confusion, plot holes and weak attempts to play off the nostalgia of the previous movies to make a convincing sequel.
While Genisys is more entertaining than Salvation, the movie feels forced. This is probably due to the filmmakers using the time travel plot to erase the first two movies to make room for a new trilogy, in order to bring in more money basically. This whole movie is just one big cash grab from old school Terminator fans like myself, but now we are disappointed as the only true good movies in the series have now been erased by this mess.
Positives about Terminator Genisys is that Emilia Clarke plays a decent Sarah Connor and Arnold Schwarzenegger is always welcome in his scenes and his presence is the best aspect of the movie. However, Jason Clarke is the worst John Connor yet, the action scenes suffer from the usual terrible editing of today’s action movies like Taken 3 for
example, and the CGI elements are laughably bad. Plus, the plot is just all over the place. I can’t go into detail because even I’m still confused. I do not feel Terminator Genisys will please Terminator fans and it’s too confusing and muddled for casual action fans.
Terminator 2 should have closed the franchise for good all the way back in 1991.