We invited artists, labels and publicists to tell us which records or artists they’ve personally enjoyed over the last twelve months. Frank van Liempd‘s picks below. Petting Zoo Propraganda is currently promoting cool records of labels like Relapse Records, Spinefarm Records, etc.

Ghost – Meliora
“Some albums are just perfect. I probably heard this album 100+ times now and it’s still exciting every time I hear it. 2015 “best of” lists worldwide from music lovers, critics, artists & bands etc will agree.”

Windhand – Grief’s Internal Flower
“Windhand don’t care about rules on planet doom and do their own thing. Dorthia’s vocals are beautiful and haunting, Windhand’s music is either a big warm wall of sound or very intimate, and seeing them live is a trip. Check “Two Urns” and especially “Sparrow” and fall in love with Windhand like I did. And then buy the album ;-)”

Baroness – Purple
“What can I say, we all thought Baroness was no more after that horrible accident in 2012, but they came back with a killer new line up and this album has more energy than Baroness ever had before. Heavier than “Yellow & Green”, but all the ingredients that make Baroness one of a kind can be heard here. Check “Chlorine & Wine”.”

Tribulation – The Children Of The Night
“Saw them in Germany at Hell’s Pleasure in 2011 and was blown away. More death metal back then, but you gotta love the progression this band has made. Future is bright (or dark if you want) for these guys! And can’t wait for all to come…”

Ho99o9 – Horrors of 1999 EP + Dead Bodies In The Lake (Mixtape)
“If you like hardcore & punk, (black) metal, beats, hip hop and Bad Brains go check ‘em out. I even hear some sick Skinny Puppy and G.G.F.H.-ish samples, wtf! Amazing band and who has seen them live knows they’re insane(ly good)!”

Bring Me The Horizon – That’s The Spirit
“Wasn’t a big fan until I saw them do their own show in Tilburg 2 years ago, sold! Whatever people think of BMTH, this album is full of killer songs, on stage they rule.”

Graveyard – Innocence & Decadence
“Seems you can’t go wrong with these guys. All their previous albums were great, their beer cans were great, the new album is all you want. Not much to add, go listen!”

Killing Joke – Pylon
“You gotta hand it to these old-timers, making an album like this after so many years – original line-up, people!! Love it! “I Am The Virus” right here.”

Grillmaster Flash – Andere Leude My Ass
“Heard a song on a magazine sampler (thanks Ox Germany!) and loved it. FYI it’s all in German. They call Grillmaster Flash the Springsteen of Bremen (check the album cover), sounds good to me! Check “Weltraum”.”

Mgla – Exercises in Futility
“Black metal doesn’t get colder than this in 2015. Polish finest!”.”