Haley Bonar - Impossible Dream (GNDWIRE/Thirty Tigers) 2016
Besides being an excellent songwriter and musician, Haley Bonar is first and foremost a storyteller and on Impossible Dream she points out that purposely. The new songs were born from Bonar’s “own set of memories and ideas, and once they are released into the world, they do not belong to me anymore. The interpretation is all yours, therefore these stories are yours.”
Getting into these stories is quite easy, but underneath that there are complex and mixed feelings that one can relate to and make their own interpretations. With detailed guitar work and catchy and warm melodies, her creativity and songcrafting have never been sharper than now, her spirit is fearless and contagious and her music is the way to set it free and for everyone to experience it. Diverse and enthralling, Bonar is more than savvy on making a good damn song and these songs are inherent as much for her as it is for the listener.
Haley Bonar shared with the world her most cathartic and vibrant effort ever with Last War, now with Impossible Dream she continues to show her integrity as a musician and as a human being.