We invited artists, labels and publicists to tell us which records or artists they’ve personally enjoyed over the last twelve months. The four members – David Anthony, Luke Reilly, Rob Summons, and Conor Andrew Wynne – of Dublin’s Otherkin have compiled a list of their 10 favourite albums of the year. Otherkin’s new EP, The 201, is out now.

Slaves – Are You Satisfied?
“Slaves are by far one of the most exciting bands around at the moment. The singles off the album have such an energy and the whole album is really presented in a cohesive way! These guys know what they’re doing, watch this space.” – Rob

Ezra Furman – Perpetual Motion People
“Ezra Furman is like breath of fresh air, on acid. Combining the prowess of Lou Reed with a don’t give a f*ck attitude, this record just works! And the live show packs an equally massive punch. In short here are 13 pop nuggets from a truly great songwriter, the man has it, plain and simple.” – David

Kendrick Lamar – To Pimp A Butterfly
“Astonishing in its scope, depth and vision. Songs like King Kunta prove that he could still bang when he wanted to but the deeper cuts like How Much a Dollar Cost and Mortal Man shone just as strong. ” – Luke

Grimes – Art Angels
“I approached this with caution, I always liked Grimes but felt like there was something missing. She absolutely smashed it with this release, her production and vocal hooks have improved so much, I can’t wait to see the live show too, she seems like a buzzer.” – Conor

Wolf Alice – My Love Is Cool
“The production here makes for an insanely strong debut from an artist of any genre. Truly one of the stand out alternative rock records of the year for us as a crew. Tuneful and choc full of ideas and diversions, not to mention the raw grit and brute.” – Band

Girl Band – Holding Hands With Jamie
“Probably the most innovative piece of work I heard all year. The fact that they managed to capture the ferocity of their live act on record deserves special credit, it really is a totally uncompromising and thrilling album.” – Luke

Tame Impala – Currents
“When I first heard this album I didn’t think much of it but over a couple of months it really grew on me. It’s really incredible. Tame Impala’s move to a more electronic sound is so thoughtfully planned out and really is so seamless.” – Rob

Everything Everything – Get To Heaven
“A perfect blend of pop music and experimental alternative music. This album contains some of the most interesting musical textures of the past year but also some of the best hooks. A true stand out live act to boot!” – Band

Courtney Barnett – Sometimes I sit and think, and sometimes I just sit
“Mega slacker riffs and some of the best lyricism of 2015. ‘Pedestrian At Best’ was one of the stand out singles of the year for me, and the rest of the album packs an equally massive punch. Very few artists manage to so perfectly capture ‘attitude’ on record, but Courtney Barnett nailed it; what a baller.” – David

A$AP Rocky – At.Long.Last.A$AP
“Definitely the least commercial effort from Mr. A$AP Rocky, I remember him describing the album as an aural LSD trip and I find this statement to be quite true to the album. I absolutely love the production and guests on this album, it flows brilliantly and echoes some of Kendrick Lamar’s jazz and experimental influences. This album definitely did not get the credit it deserved. ” – Conor