Ubisoft has confirmed that Far Cry Primal will launch for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One worldwide on 23rd February 2016. A PC edition will then follow in March 2016.
Far Cry Primal takes you back to the Stone Age when man was definitely not at the top of the food chain. Danger lurked around every corner during the daytime, and nighttime brought a fresh set of terrors. It is in the untamed land of Oros that you meet Takkar, the sole survivor of an ambush on his hunting group. Now on his own in a treacherous world, Takkar will face massive mammoths, savage sabretooth tigers, hostile bands of rival hunters, and countless other threats as he attempts to re-unite his lost tribe.
“The Stone Age is the perfect setting for a Far Cry game.” said Jean-Christophe Guyot, creative director, Ubisoft. “Far Cry usually puts you at the edge of the known world, in a beautiful, lawless and savage frontier. The Stone Age is, in a way, the very first frontier for humankind; it’s the time when humans put a stick in the ground and claimed land for their own, the time when we started climbing the food chain. That came with conflict, against other humans of course, but also against nature itself.”
Far Cry Primal‘s main character will be voiced by Elias Toufexis, the actor behind Deus Ex: Human Revolution‘s gravelly protagonist Adam Jensen.
Far Cry Primal is scheduled for release on February 23, 2016 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The PC version will be released in March 2016. You can also learn more at the official website.