Thou have announced their return with new full-length, Magus. With the impending release of Magus, the band have decided to take a different approach and release three EPs ahead of the full-length, each of which the band note “are all a complete sonic departure from Magus and from each other…“.
Sacred Bones Records will release Magus, Thou’s first full-length since 2014’s Heathen, on August 31st. In the months leading into the new album, Thou will be releasing three drastically different EPs: The House Primordial on Raw Sugar, Inconsolable on Community Records, and Rhea Sylvia on Deathwish, Inc. Each record will focus on a particular sound-noisy drone, quiet acoustic, and melodic grunge-all of which is incorporated into the new record, subsumed in the band’s more standard doom metal.
Listen below to the band’s new single, “The Ghangeling Prince“.
“While sonically, Magus may be a continuation of Heathen, thematically it stands as a stark rebuttal, a journey beyond the principles of pleasure and pain. It is more the culmination of these distinct EPs, which all orbit some internal black hole. FFO alienation, absurdity, boredom, futility, decay, the tyranny of history, the vulgarities of change, awareness as agony, reason as disease.~”
Magus Tracklist:
1. Inward
2. My Brother Caliban
3. Transcending Dualities
4. The Changeling Prince
5. Sovereign Self
6. Divine Will
7. In the Kingdom of Meaning
8. Greater Invocation of Disgust
9. Elimination Rhetoric
10. The Law Which Compels
11. Supremacy