The new trailer of Suicide Squad brings the surprise element to it… Gotham’s protector – The BATMAN!! We get a few glimpses of the Dark Knight along with new footage featuring the ensemble. You can see it by yourself below, get excited!
This new trailer show us why Viola Davis’ U.S. intelligence officer Amanda Waller brings the squad together – and yes you guessed, Batman V Superman (spoiler alert!) is still fresh in these shores, that’s why this is the perfect time for this new Suicide Squad appetizer. The US government and military is worried about what happens if Superman or someone with his sort of power decides to go rogue. The answer to it could be something like gathering a bunch of bad people with abilities and threaten them into becoming a fighting force for just such an occasion.
There’s a few quick glimpses of Batman, Batmobile, Deadshot agitating El Diablo, the Joker getting in on the action and Harley Quinn… being Harley Quinn.
It’s an exciting trailer. It’s very promising. It feels good to be bad…