Reclusive glitch artist and electronic music producer William Jourdain announces the follow up to his brilliant 2016 debut Momentform Accumulations for Constellation under the moniker Automatisme. Transit shall be released via Constellation on the 24th of August.
Building out his modular synthesis racks and amassing new field recordings, Jourdain has plunged Automatisme deeper into experimentation with Transit, his second full-length for the label. Once again the sonic material is all sourced from the field, with recordings captured in the forests and caves of rural Quebec, along with ex-urban “non-places” and various waiting rooms. A simulacrum of what Jourdain calls “the architecture and landscape of supermodernity” is rendered through generative and probability-based digital patches, creating a partially randomised ecosystem for his soundworld to unfold.
Watch video for new track “Bureau 1“.
William Jourdain has been keeping busy since the release of his debut. From his home studio in the Quebec town of Saint-Hyacinthe, alongside his day job at Fréquences (one of the country’s leading indie record stores), Jourdain has continued churning out quality tracks, adding to his excellent and formidable Bandcamp discography. The Post-Landscape collaboration with Erinome came out on Neologist in spring 2018 (alongside Neologist’s re-release of the pre-Momentform album Automatisme 2) and the self-released E.T.I. Space, Transit Et Individu (Reshape & Restoration) from late 2017 demonstrated various evolutions in the post-Moment form trajectory.