BIG | BRAVE have shared a video for “Of This Ilk” – a song taken from their forthcoming album VITAL which arrives on CD and Digital formats this Friday via Southern Lord (with vinyl to follow on July 9th).
About the new song and video, which originally premiered via Roadburn Redux, BIG | BRAVE vocalist Robin Wattie comments: “This video and song is an ode to those that understand this all too well, all too deeply. There is a silent form of suffering that most do not share. It is a private shame that is very public. The percentage of the global population that take these painstaking, costly efforts in whitening, or rather more aptly, bleaching their skin is higher than a lot would understand, let alone, would ever consider. There is a billion dollar industry in injectables and cream-like products containing harsh and even life-threatening chemicals to lighten, clarify, and whiten one’s skin. This video is an ode to my younger self, and to all the other children, teens and adults of the past, present and future that have used bleach in every way possible, that withdrew from the sun, used clothespins on their nose, scraped their skin raw, buying every product available, in trying every means they can think of to achieve this exclusive coveted lightness, whiteness.”
Liste to “Of This Ilk” and watch the video for it below: