Genocide Pact – Order Of Torment


Genocide Pact - Order Of Torment (Relapse) 2018


Throughout the years, death metal has had its ups and downs, either because legendary bands ended or others that have soldiered on, unfortunately, not always with the incisiveness to make good music. Other bands are founded almost on a daily basis to try and keep death metal alive and festering in our ears, pulverizing your bones and beating you senseless. On their sophomore album, these guys from Washington prove they are more than apt to master the precision and sheer savagery needed to create good death metal. They may not be pioneers, originators, or even leaders of the movement they epitomize; still they just need to spew out good old fashioned audio grossness, because sometimes that’s all you need to do to create a piece of repugnant resonance.

Words: Nuno Babo
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