Jaye Jayle has unveiled a new video for the song “From Louisville“, which taken from his latest album Prisyn and it was created alongside director Bobby Cochran.
Evan Patterson [Jaye Jayle] comments, “I have a friend that refers to Louisville as ‘the Kentucky cage.’ It’s easy to get trapped and give in to the simple life that it so simply lends. I do love this city, it is my home, but the truth is: I desire more. I desire to see the world and to escape my comforts and have as many new experiences as humanly possible. And when I become tired or need a break or a place to just rest and recoup I return to Louisville with a grand appreciation for all of it’s simplicities.” He continues, “the visuals that Bobby compiled for this music video feel so relatable; they are humanistic and beautifully captured.”
Watch the video for “From Louisville” below: