Joan As Police Woman – Damned Devotion


Joan As Police Woman - Damned Devotion (PIAS) 2018


Joan Wasser’s explorations (both lyrically and sonically) as Joan As Police Woman never show signs of slowing down, and if anything on her fifth album, Damned Devotion, Wasser manages to renew her willingness to sink even deeper into her thoughts and views on a myriad of emotional manifestations that range from love to pain and loss – articulating how the relationship between them is important and how they feed of one another. Even though is very blatant the innumerous mutations that happen throughout these twelve tracks, it’s the soul that carries the album through and through, serving as a conducting wire to what’s arguably the most accomplished work of Wasser’s beautiful career. Pop proves itself worthy, rewarding, and even vital, once again, as JAPW shows up more triumphant than ever.

Words: Tiago Moreira
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