Teleplasmite – Frequency Is The New Ecstasy


Teleplasmite - Frequency Is The New Ecstasy (House Of Mythology) 2017


There is comfort and joy to be found in the drone, but that doesn’t mean you won’t feel your nerve ends jangled and brain cells scrambled. This debut LP from the duo of Mark O Pilkington and Michael J York, both artists who contribute significant pedigree within potential countercultural constructs and arcane knowledge, takes the conceptual messages hidden within drones and extrapolates them towards unknown final destination points across six extended pieces. In doing so, time machines are built; vessels in which the listener can journey back and forth across various states and plains where hidden meanings and indeterminate symbolism may suddenly reveal themselves in blinding bursts of sunspotted realisation. A record, a tool, with which you can realign yourself inside much needed alternative realities.

Words: Euan Andrews
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