Born in 2015 within the walls of Glaucal – a sound laboratory nestled in the middle of green meadows – Orukọ are a quartet who play intense math rock.
Formed by members of Lafopaes, Macadam Dive and Ahkab who used to hang out together to abuse coffee and beer, the band love playing loud and combining the complexity and frenzy of math rock, the soundscapes of post-rock and the heaviness of post-hardcore.
This quartet from the Delémont District, in Switzerland, released, a couple of months ago, their debut EP, FRCTL, and today we have the pleasure to premiere the video for the song “Sir Arsen“. An extremely packed, energetic, and weirdly pleasant video that matches Orukọ’s energy and tenacity. Watch it below.
The band also has a few shows scheduled for the coming weeks. You can catch them on the following dates:
May 20 @ Espace Noir/ St. Imier (CH)
May 27 @ BFM/ Saignelégier (CH)
June 9 @ Undersound Festival/ Undervelier (CH)