Zeal & Ardor – Devil Is Fine


Zeal & Ardor - Devil Is Fine (Reflections) 2017


Despite both the blues and black metal being once tagged as the Devils music, it’s fair to say that the two don’t make the likeliest bedfellows, making Zeal & Ardors blend of African-American spiritualism and icy savagery both a logical evolution and something of a shock to the system. The power and authenticity of Manuel Gagneuxs chain-gang bellows will likely be a big draw for many, but its the incredible scope of the project that makes it truly stand out – music-box creepiness, neo-classical synths, melodic death metal and even a touch of Nick Cave-esque murder balladry make Devil Is Fine such an unpredictable entity that the ambition is worth the entry price alone.

Words: Dave Bowes
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