Legendary art-punk singer, songwriter and sound artist Carla Bozulich (The Geraldine Fibbers, Ethyl Meatplow, Evangelista) announces Quieter, the follow-up to her brilliant 2014 album Boy, incoming via Constellation Records this May.
Quieter is a new collection of powerful, intensely atmospheric, emotive songs rounded up from various recent collaborations, including guests Marc Ribot, Sarah Lipstate (Noveller), Shahzad Ismaily, Ches Smith, Freddy Ruppert, Andrea Belfi, Jhno and more.
Listen below to a brand new song, “Glass House”
This recent period has also found Bozulich reflecting on 25+ years of life on the road, the labour and hustle of DIY touring, with its ecstasies, agonies, succour and sacrifice: “still a fantastic job to have” as Carla writes in the aforementioned liner notes to her new album Quieter (read below + album’s artwork).
“The cover of the album is a cool pic, sure as hell. But to me, it just looks like tour. Tour is just another job where if you do it long enough you get hurt here and there. In 2014 I lost my hearing completely (temporarily) in 1 ear. I kept playing, as always with injury on tour. After all, it is the law of averages. We all know it. Play more than 100 concerts a year doing 90% of the work alone, injuries are occasional. Well, it was a loud tour—a loud set every nite. It was strange for the volume to be cut in half. I cannot play with ear plugs, I was swirling sound every nite like falling but still refusing to behave—sit still—or even cancel. And boy, it was freaky QUIETER. This photo is from one Otolaryngologist I saw in Austria right before the concert in Graz. His treatment was to put me in a 50s Soviet style scalding hot head-heat-box for 20 minutes. After a while I got bored and took some selfies. They came out exactly like this. Thus the cover. It was a Quieter time for me, like—in the van Mats Gustafsson sounded like cherry ice cream. Finally quiet in the fucking van. I couldn’t understand what was happening unless I turned my head. I completely stopped listening to people talk. Strange concerts. Le Guess Who was a highlite—very like thrashing through the air, as the numerous monitors seemed to be alive and spinning. Eventually I cleared it but not after several promoters kindly took me to crackpot doctors who did silly things. This is a nice deaf pic for the Quieter album. To me it just looks pretty like tour: still a fantastic job to have.” – Carla Bozulich.
Quieter artwork:
Quieter arrives on May 11th via Constellation Records.