8 ormed in 2014, Super Unison features Meghan O’Neil Pennie (formerly of PUNCH) on bass and vocals, Justin Renninger …
Agnes Obel – Citizen Of Glass
8 aunting, powerful and intimate. These are just a few of the words that cross the mind of this humble writer. Citize…
The Dillinger Escape Plan – Dissociation
9 very single time Dillinger delivers the goods we’re always ready to be happily punch in the face, and this time aro…
S U R V I V E – RR7349
9 etween Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein’s recent breakthrough success with Stranger Things (or most notably its tensely…
Oathbreaker – Rheia
8 ardcore is, at its heart, a form built on catharsis, an expulsion of disgust and ire at injustice and ills, and any…
Wrekmeister Harmonies – Light Falls
9 rekmeister Harmonies’ records tell grandiose stories. JR Robinson and Esther Shaw, the heart of Harmonies, destroy,…
Street Sects – End Position
9 exas duo Street Sects (Leo Ashline and Shaun Ringsmuth) have created, with End Position, an environment of unceasin…
Jenny Hval – Blood Bitch
9 What’s this album about, Jenny?” “It’s about vampires.” Blood, lunar cycles, sticky choruses, and the smell of warm…
Luke Roberts – Sunlit Cross
8 uke Roberts is a traveler. From Nashville to Montana to Cambodia and Kenya, he has spent his life accumulating the …
Emma Ruth Rundle – Marked For Death
9 Whether it’s a song, a painting or a photograph, Emma Ruth Rundle always conveys into her art her deepest thoughts …
Touché Amoré – Stage Four
9 ouché Amoré started well with 2009’s …To the Beat of a Dead Horse and from there they managed to evolve and i…
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Skeleton Tree
10 ick Cave & The Bad Seeds’ Skeleton Tree has taught us that the sting of the grim reaper’s scythe never dulls. …
Subrosa – For This We Fought the Battle of Ages
8 sign of a great band is whether or not they can shake off the genre that birthed them and become one in their own r…
Green Day – Revolution Radio
9 n a thrill ride we go, as music pioneers Green Day get into our ears yet again with their unique brand of rock. But…
Against Me! – Shape Shift With Me
8 gainst Me! are a band situated between the rush of fire and the refreshing clean air. That’s the contrast that unfo…