9 ow great is it to see Thrice back after an indefinite hiatus and with a brilliant take on their (comeback) ninth al…
Muscle & Marrow – Love
9 ove is one of those things that tend to be destroyed when deconstructed, and so is music sometimes. For their secon…
Clique – Burden Piece
8 ailing from Philadelphia, Clique’s sophomore effort is a stellar and bright gem, another awesome ride into this cur…
Car Seat Headrest – Teens Of Denial
8 hen last year finally thousand of people were introduced with Teens of Style to Car Seat Headrest’s music it became…
Nothing – Tired Of Tomorrow
9 ere’s a band that seems to live under the black cloud of Murphy’s Law. It might have been just two years since thei…
White Lung – Paradise
9 n their fourth album Vancouver-based White Lung have managed to further establish their own and unique sound, which…
Modern Baseball – Holy Ghost
8 ver the last few years, Modern Baseball went through some heavy experiences. Making Holy Ghost was a way to process…
Into It. Over It. – Standards
9 nto It. Over It. is a solo project that burns like a fire on a hilltop surrounded by people that embrace the heat. …
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Nonagon Infinity
8 ith an endless circle of fast, furious and tight riffs, King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard have concocted a conce…
Sorority Noise – It Kindly Stopped For Me EP
9 orority Noise has always been known for their unique approach to music and lyrics. Their latest EP, It Kindly Stopp…
Sheer Mag – III
9 hiladelphia lo-fi punks Sheermag have returned with another small dose of their infectious and hooky melodies. Stic…
Prism Tats – Prism Tats
9 I don’t want to make art, I want to make money…” is how it begins, and immediately, you are buckled in and yo…
Trautonist – Trautonist
9 rautonist are Dennis and Katharina and what they create together is the perfect combination of two different worlds…
Weezer – The White Album
9 he ‘90s was, both musically and socially, a unique time. As Nirvana infected minds and Rage Against The Machine hit…
Dowsing – Okay
8 t’s quite easy to fall in love by this album. It’s honest and pushes all the right buttons in my being. Okay is per…