9 eels good to be in 2016 and still have that feeling that music can change us, somehow inspire us. We are more alive…
Marissa Nadler – Strangers
9 oing into Marissa Nadler music is like going into the middle of a forest in a foggy day and get lost in the beautie…
Radiohead – A Moon Shaped Pool
10 mazingly, there are still people out there who hanker after the Radiohead of twenty years ago. The Radiohead who s…
Greys – Outer Heaven
8 reys, the Toronto-based noise makers are back with their sophomore effort, the follow up to 2015’s Repulsion EP and…
Anna Meredith – Varmints
8 Nautilus” begins Varmints with a rallying fanfare on repeat, akin to Philip Glass lost in a time loop as battering …
Wire – Nocturnal Koreans
9 he last ten years have seen Wire revitalise themselves to a degree unlike any of their punk/post-punk/whatever cont…
Violent Femmes – We Can Do Anything
8 e needed something new from the Violent Femmes, perhaps one of the most important comebacks in years. 16 years afte…
Like Pacific – Distant Like You Asked
9 oronto has continuously proved its home to some of the worlds most talented bands and Like Pacific is no exception.…
Tacocat – Lost Time
8 f you want an album full of songs about millennial life and pop culture surrounded by melodic, angst ridden music t…
Mantar – Ode To The Flame
8 IFFS! If for some reason Mantar were the last band on the planet, the entire spectrum that goes from punk to metal …
Skating Polly – The Big Fit
9 ith the Skating Polly discography, you can literally hear the growth and development from the two young Oklahomans.…
Tim Hecker – Love Streams
8 ere is the sound of a dark angelic mass crowding out the light from the sky while ruptures shake and quake under th…
The Coathangers – Nosebleed Weekend
9 clectic, blistering and unexpected, Nosebleed Weekend goes beyond their irreverent punk garage rock. Full of contag…
Rorcal – Creon
8 witzerland, the country that gave us Hellhammer, Celtic Frost, Darkspace, and Samael, has once again a heavyweight …
September Girls – Age Of Indignation
8 f there’s irony in the title of Edith Wharton’s novel The Age of Innocence then it also should be said that there’s…