10 ince their resurrection in 2010, each new Swans album has arrived garnered with ever more heft and gravitas. Micha…
letlive. – If I’m The Devil…
9 t the crossroads. That’s where we imagine letlive. in the moments following 2013’s brilliant The Blackest Beautiful…
Russian Circles – Guidance
8 here’s always been something about Russian Circles that takes the post-crowd beyond their comfort zones, and while …
Field Mouse – Episodic
8 lot has happened since Rachel Browne and Andrew Futral first started Field Mouse. The duo has grown with their musi…
Creative Adult – Fear Of Life
8 ear Of Life is an riveting experience. Raw and full of twists, this was an album built on tension over the recordin…
Islander – Power Under Control
8 erhaps the biggest lesson to be learned with Islander’s sophomore album isn’t how incredible genuine and good these…
Hellions – Opera Oblivia
9 ven though 2015’s Indian Summer hinted that something massive could be around the corner, it wouldn’t be fair or ev…
Capsize – A Reintroduction: The Essence of All That Surrounds Me
8 Reintroduction: The Essence Of All That Surrounds Me represents a change, but don’t let changes fool you. Capsize j…
Billy Talent – Afraid Of Heights
9 illy Talent have become pioneers of the rock genre since their inception in 1993. And they’ve gone onto create some…
Frameworks – Smother
8 aving reviewed the Time Spent EP earlier in the year, I was keen to hear the evolution of Frameworks into their new…
Cane Hill – Smile
9 ane Hill are a product of this new sick and troubled America, where a group of individuals in all this decay are ab…
Blink-182 – California
8 hen pop punk band Blink-182 come to mind, you will think about the glory days, the days where bratty, 3 chord music…
Emarosa – 131
8 opeless Records have some of the biggest bands on the planet under their wing, and post-hardcore darlings Emarosa a…
Night Verses – Into The Vanishing Light
8 here’s an intensity that bubbles in the music of New York band Night Versus, and the man behind the microphone seem…
Goatpsalm – Downstream
9 hile many bands have one good tool at their disposal that they inevitably work to death, Goatpsalm’s approach is mo…