9 o find yourself, your role in this life is difficult, when you’re tumbling down a slope of unpredictability, when y…
Mogwai – Every Country’s Sun
7 ogwai are one of the few bands that can portray their constant evolution in every single piece of art they create. …
EMA – Exile On The Outer Ring
8 rtists like EMA – a.k.a. Erika M Anderson – are definitely needed in our lives. EMA’s third album is a …
Turnover – Good Nature
7 trip back the leaves of Turnover’s cover art and you’ll reveal the shangra la-esque dreamland that Good Natur…
Queens of the Stone Age – Villains
7 illains opens up with a classic Queens of the Stone Age bang: distant guitar scratches and 80s synths grow into a r…
Brand New – Science Fiction
9 t came like a cannon ball shot precisely at the most prominent star. It created a buzz online, causing a craze, a r…
Downtown Boys – Cost Of Living
7 t a time where discrimination towards the Latino and LGBTQ communities in America is precipitously rising, Downtown…
People Like You – Verse
8 ormed from the ashes of I Kill Giants, People Like You, a Boston-based quintet, prove with their sophomore album th…
The Melvins – A Walk With Love & Death
7 Walk with Love and Death is a sprawling, 81-minute album composed of typical Melvins work and a short-film score. W…
Stone Sour – Hydrograd
7 tone Sour’s long-awaited sixth studio album Hydrograd is here and it demands your attention and your playing device…
Shabazz Palaces – Quazarz: Born on a Gangster Star
9 ometimes a bit of confidence can really separate the dross from the gloss. A touch of chutzpah, a burst of ego, a s…
Us And Us Only – Full Flower
8 fter seven years of releasing singles and EPs, Baltimore alt-rockers Us & Us Only finally bring forth their deb…
Boris – Dear
8 f their decision to name the first single off their 20th album after the title of their first wasn’t enough of a gi…
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Murder of the Universe
8 or their second LP of 2017, King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard have created a monster, and it’s magnificent. As a…
Sextile – Albeit Living
7 Thousand Hands was a sick ride of post-apocalyptic darkwave with an almost cathartic element. Feasting on the remai…