8 he debut solo album from the Grails and Holy Sons mainman Emil Amos is a celebration not only of his exquisitely de…
Ride – Weather Diaries
8 fter an absence of almost 20 years, the Oxford four piece reformed and returned to the live scene in 2014 selling o…
Arcadea – Arcadea
7 rcadea is drummer-vocalist Brann Dailor (Mastodon), guitarist & keyboardist Core Atoms (Zruda), and guitarist R…
Cigarettes After Sex – Cigarettes After Sex
9 fter the phenomenal online success of 2015’s epic song “Affection” and the subsequent re-discovery of an ear…
INVSN – The Beautiful Stories
8 he Beautiful Stories instantly sounds familiar, confrontational and challenging. Tackling the desire “for resistanc…
Agent blå – Agent blue
7 or such a young band – the members are from 17 to 20 years old – Agent blå have just delivered on their…
Full Of Hell – Trumpeting Ecstasy
8 ull of Hell set out with their ambitious, third full-length attempt to redefine the current musical extremity. Reco…
Oxbow – Thin Black Duke
8 he soul and feeling have always been more important that the shapes of the body when it comes to Bay Area-based Oxb…
Big Walnuts Yonder – Big Walnuts Yonder
7 ig Walnuts Yonder is bassist/vocalist Mike Watt (Minutemen, The Stooges), guitarist Nels Cline (Wilco, Nels Cline S…
Amber Coffman – City Of No Reply
7 k, lets be completely honest here, I am a man who judges books by covers, and who carries this travesty of a judgme…
The Black Angels – Death Song
8 he Black Angels have been accused of revivalism, there was even those who called their music pretentious. Their tak…
Zeal & Ardor – Devil Is Fine
8 espite both the blues and black metal being once tagged as the Devils music, it’s fair to say that the two don’t ma…
Mutoid Man – War Moans
8 he beauty of Mutoid Man lays on the fact that their music is so urgent, so energetic, and so captivating that label…
Wednesday 13 – Condolences
7 he classic twist of evil, B-movie weirdness and the trademark lyrics mark the return of Wednesday 13 with his fines…
Noga Erez – Off The Radar
8 el Aviv’s Noga Erez doesn’t seem too concerned with sticking with a particular lane, in fact her debut album Off Th…