7 ince their formation back in 2002, Senses Fail have a very special and unique place in the hardcore scene. Influenc…
Happy Accidents – Everything But Here And Now
8 ondon band Happy Accidents enforce a courageous sound. They’re the type of act that will play on your mind, seeping…
Feed The Rhino – The Silence
6 rom the opening lines of “Mirror, mirror on my fucking wall…” you sense that The Silence could well be a spec…
Joan As Police Woman – Damned Devotion
8 oan Wasser’s explorations (both lyrically and sonically) as Joan As Police Woman never show signs of slowing down, …
Fu Manchu – Clone Of The Universe
8 our years on from the suitably colossal Gigantoid, the California groovers have only learned how to get bigger, lou…
Brian Fallon – Sleepwalkers
8 rian Fallon belongs to that stock of songwriters brimming with heart – Dave Hause, Chuck Ragan, Dan Andriano, Frank…
Prism Tats – Mamba
9 o say I have been eagerly looking forward to the new Prism Tats album would be a mild understatement. His debut alb…
Genocide Pact – Order Of Torment
8 hroughout the years, death metal has had its ups and downs, either because legendary bands ended or others that hav…
The Soft Moon – Criminal
9 he Soft Moon’s Criminal is everything an experimental electronic album aspires to be. For every catchy, pop-seasone…
Bat Fangs – Bat Fangs
7 at Fangs, the duo of singer/guitarist Betsy Wright (ex Hex) and Laura King (Flesh Wounds, Speed Stick), have just r…
Anna Burch – Quit The Curse
8 uit The Curse marks a top notch debut by Detroit singer/songwriter Anna Burch. It’s a cathartic and empowering pers…
Kyle Craft- Full Circle Nightmare
7 ouisiana-born, Portland-based singer- songwriter Kyle Craft is back with his second studio effort entitled Full Cir…
Poppy Ackroyd – Resolve
7 ithout a doubt, Poppy Ackroyd’s neo-classical music is a delight to listen to. The London-born composer, who is kno…
Efrim Manuel Menuck – Pissing Stars
8 frim Manuel Menuck’s foray into the light and dark spectrums of human emotion is incredibly dual. While plenty of G…
Montero – Performer
8 he winter is dark and cold, but the new album by Australian musician and visual artist Montero will make you feel w…