9 he overwhelming feeling you get upon first listen of this creepy, beguiling, challenging album is that Miss Malin w…
Basement Revolver – Heavy Eyes
7 or those looking for some brutally honest alternative music, Basement Revolver, a young Canadian indie rock band, a…
Cursive – Vitriola
10 he eighth album proper from Omaha, Nebraska native alt-rockers – and the first since 2006 to feature the original …
Fucked Up – Dose Your Dreams
9 his utterly bonkers release from the miscreant punk rockers from Canada defies almost all attempts at pigeonholing …
Gazelle Twin – Pastoral
10 astoral, the new studio effort by Gazelle Twin, is one of the strangest and most exciting albums released this yea…
Brockhampton – iridescence
8 ll things considered, the hip hop boy band Brockhampton are probably one of the most accomplished new acts in music…
Human People – Butterflies Drink Turtle Tears
9 uman People, an all- female New York four-piece, are undoubtedly a band to keep an eye on: combining the laid-back …
Marissa Nadler – For My Crimes
6 y this point in time, Marissa Nadler has got us used to a monochrome and somewhat vintage sounding sweetness in her…
Dilly Dally – Heaven
9 uccess is a dream for many young artists, but achieving it doesn’t always lead to true happiness. Canadian rockers …
All Them Witches – ATW
9 ith each track comfortably over four minutes – and indeed, centerpiece “Harvest Feast” clocking over te…
Idles – Joy as an Act of Resistance
8 “Fear leads to panic / Panic leads to pain / Pain leads to anger/ Anger leads to hate.” Throw a little proudly main…
Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs – King Of Cowards
7 f there’s one thing that can truly hamper stoner and sludge bands, it’s the difficulty in delivering fuzzed-out gro…
Exploded View – Obey
8 xploded View is the international project of Berlin-based lyricist/vocalist Annika Henderson, and Mexico City-based…
The Holydrug Couple – Hyper Super Mega
7 f you are fond of super laidback synth-lead soundscapes that simultaneously sound like a city bursting and bristlin…
Thrice – Palms
9 hrice orchestrate songs of purpose yet again on their new record Palms. The Californian band, nestle between love a…