8 ive is White Lies new album, and the perfect way to mark a decade of existence whilst cementing their new home at […
Puppy – The Goat
8 ombining 90’s influences, London-based trio Puppy are bringing something old that somehow sounds new to the scene. …
Mono – Nowhere Now Here
8 en albums in is a bold time to be making some changes, but that’s exactly what has happened in the MONO camp. With …
Surachai – Come, Deathless
8 rolific Chicago/L.A.-based musician and producer Surachai returns with Come, Deathless, his newest album since 2016…
Tallies – Tallies
8 reamy, sunny and addictively catchy. Tallies’ self-titled debut album is charming, carefree and instantly likable, …
The Twilight Sad – It Won/t Be Like This All the Time
6 ometimes when you listen to an album non-stop for a few days you start to notice every single perk that comes with …
AFI – The Missing Man EP
8 FI, the Californian four-piece, are still capable of a surprise or two, this time around with a new five-track long…
Cult Leader – A Patient Man
8 alt Lake City exports make music of such relentless ferocity that listening to them feels like you’re being repeate…
J Mascis – Elastic Days
8 inosaur Jr. frontman returns with their brand-new solo venture, Elastic Days, showing that there is no such thing a…
Holygram – Modern Cults
7 n recent years we have witnessed a resurgence of the post-punk, gothic rock aesthetics, which permeated the radio w…
The Smashing Pumpkins – Shiny and Oh So Bright, Vol. 1 / LP: No Past. No Future. No Sun.
7 018 is almost over and year-end lists are already being published, but there are still important and highly anticip…
A Storm Of Light – Anthroscene
8 Storm Of Light may well have found themselves in a perfect niche within their peers. This, their fifth album, has f…
Ohhms – Exist
9 ith a twenty-two minute opening track that feels like you’re are being slowly, deliberately dissected by low-end so…
Dead Can Dance – Dionysus
8 ionysus is not your ordinary, run of the mill, world music record, then again the duo of Brendan Perry and Lisa Ger…
Tropical Fuck Storm – A Laughing Death in Meatspace
9 ropical Fuck Storm’s – the new band formed by Gareth Liddiard and Fiona Kitschin (The Drones), joined by Lauren Ham…